AVIARD Founder, AMANI SIMPSON Speaks At School He Was EXPELLED From!

It’s not everyday you get to correct a previous mistake; but yesterday I was given that opportunity!

In Year 9 I was expelled from Enfield Grammar school in Enfield for a long wrap sheet of offences incl. Stealing my deputy headteachers wallet, starting a fire in my maths room (with pupils in it) & generally being a pain to staff and pupils alike – not something I like to boast about I might add!

It was a very dark time for me but after years of stumbling around to found myself, God and most importantly my calling – I was invited back to give an assembly to the Year 10 students about my experiences at the school and my achievements later on in life; the launch of Aviard Inspires included!

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It was a powerful moment for me as I was able to apologise to the teacher that I stole from and also was able to show many of my old teachers who had written me off that I had turned my life around!

My main goal for the next generation is to try and minimise the stumbling around period of their lives by helping them focus and take their futures more seriously from an earlier age. Going into 2016 I will be continuing my key note talks and workshops in a effort to inspire one young person at a time!

Key Lesson From My Story:

“It’s Not How You Start Your Life That Matters, It’s How You Finish It!”

Written By: Amani Simpson


  1. Dear Amani,
    Congratulations on your film premiere tonight.
    I am a deputy Head at a North West London Junior School, and we are always looking for inspirational young males to motivate and inspire our young year 6s, particularly boys.
    Would you come in to school to speak to our Year 6 children and possibly their parents (chn aged 10-11).
    I would like to speak with you some more about this, if it is something you do.
    Aoife Conroy

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