What Does Aviard Mean?
AVIATE (to fly) and HARD (not easily broken)

Who We Are
We exist to give hope to young people through
Personal Development, Digital Media
and Enriching Opportunities
We always strive to:
We are Youth Driven so prioritise including those we serve in our decision-making and leadership to challenge & Authenticate Our Voice

Our Vision
To be the premier Edutainment brand for empowering Achievement and Positive Transformation within the lives of adolescents & young adults globally
Our focus is to partner with influencers, local authorities, corporates, brands and charitable organisations to empower young people by supporting:
– Early Intervention
– Raising Aspiration & Attainment
– The Portrayal Of Positive Role Models & Narratives
– Improving Pathways To Employment & Entrepreneurship
– Coaching and Life Skills Development

Our 10 Values
1. Empower Youth To Excel
2. Collaboration
3. Inclusivity
4. Creating Legacies
5. Staying Connected
6. Being Bold
7. Being Disruptive
8. Staying ‘On Purpose’
9. Challenging Mediocrity
10. Striving To Be Exceptional
Our Connections & Previous Media Coverage


1. Pro-Bono Support & Volunteers
2. Multi-Year Grants, Funding & Investment
3. Regular access to Office, Meeting and Event Space
4. Access to Employment, Mentorship and Mindset-Shifting Experiences for young people
5. Access to Leaders, Young People and those who Already Support Them (i.e. teachers, parents & professionals)
Words From Our Patron & Founder
Lord Michael Hastings CBE

A visionary is not a man who sees a route to self adoration or the congratulations of the masses … a visionary feels the depth of the need he must address and through the sweat of the years and the shedding of tears, plans out a better day and a better way for those whose reality fills his sight – that is the man Amani and his compulsion to drive through indifference and disengagement and instead pull on the power of great life enhancing examples and create a vision that has arms and legs and adds up and we can see…that excites me
Amani Simpson

“I birthed my vision for Aviard in 2008 (at the age of 18) because I wanted to create a movement fuelled with the information, support and opportunities that I needed when I was growing up. No matter how large we grow as a business, helping young people to set stretching goals and become their best selves (as early as possible) will always be at the core of why we exist!”